Background Under the law, domestic pets and other animals are simply considered a type of personal property. As such, the family courts could make orders about which party to family law property settlement proceedings should retain such pet and animals if the parties...Read More
In the 2023-24 State Budget, the Victorian Government announced that land transfer duty (stamp duty) on commercial and industrial property will be progressively abolished and replaced with the commercial and industrial property tax (CIPT). Properties sold after 1 July...Read More
We are all going to die and thus should have a current will reflective of current intentions. The last will is the document upon which your estate will be determined, the executor being obliged to follow its terms. The person (or persons) who are able to make...Read More
Brief Summary You may be negotiating a contract or deal in a business setting, or seeking to resolve litigation, and, at some point, you and the other party have put your “agreement” in writing. Sometimes a document might be drawn up. It might be called a “Heads of...Read More
Update – November 2024 This is an update to the below article which we published earlier in 2024. The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia have now published some cases that consider the new test about whether an Application to Vary parenting orders should be...Read More
Many people want to leave specific gifts when they die to a specific person like jewellery, a car or an amount of cash. But there are actually several types of gifts that can be formally made in your Will. It is important to be clear about what you want to give in...Read More
A parenting plan is an informal written parenting agreement that includes parenting and care arrangements for children but has not been formally approved by the Federal Circuit and Family Court (FCFC). Parenting orders (or consent orders) are written parenting...Read More